Our Activities - hamsab

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Our Activities

Our Activities
Hamsab had started very small - practically a one person setup with strong support from family. As a result, much of its activities have been developed on the basis of experience on a daily basis. Subsequently, when additional volunteers included educators, its activities got more structured. With generous inputs from some organizations, Hamsab's engagement plan with the children continues to evolve and undergoes refinement.
The current activities include the 3R's - reading, writing and arithmetic , general knowledge , yoga , crafts such as origami , games including badminton , snakes and ladders , ludo  and other learning games. 
There is a strong focus on ensuring that the programme is not a dull interaction and games ( whether learning or purely physical sport ) are an integral part of Hamsab's activities. Celebration of various festivals and events are used as a means of ensuring that the child looks forward to coming to the classes. While no gender specific actions have been taken, Hamsab is happy to find a participation level of around 40% by girls which is very encouraging. 
Hamsab intends to sensitize children to the environment and appreciate nature via nature walks , sharing video material and other nature related activities. Multiple classes on sanitation , hygiene and cleanliness have been initiated. 
While these are the current activities - we would love to hear from you as to how we can improve effectiveness , quality of content or delivery . Please click here to give us your suggestions.
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